Thursday, 16 May 2013


Delusional, annoying, and fake. These are three words that I may have used in the past to describe “born again” Christians. I was puzzled by their persistent enthusiasm, their love songs to Jesus, and their insistence that everyone had to be “saved” by “grace.”

Today I am a born again Christian… not because I liked their more contemporary worship music, not because I needed something to do on a Sunday, and not because I desired a new source of community and meaning in my life. I am a born again Christian, I believe, by the guidance and grace of God. You might even say that it took me by surprise! But that’s another story for another time.

This blog is titled “A Light Unto My Path” based on a Bible verse: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105). In other words, we receive direction and guidance for our lives through God’s word (the Bible). Such guidance has come to mean a lot to me, and I hope to explain why.

In this blog I hope to record some of my thoughts about following Jesus and about life as a born again Christian. I also write this blog as one way of sharing the gospel with friends, family, and anyone who would listen. Over the course of this blog’s lifespan, I hope to articulate in depth what can actually be summarized in a few sentences:

1) Jesus is the Son of God, and the only way to God.
2) The Bible is the authoritative word of God, which reveals God’s salvation plan to humanity.
3) You must be born again. YOU should recognize your own corrupt nature (prone to selfishness, wickedness, weakness) and rather than defending it in order to prop yourself up, surrender it all to God and allow him to change you from the inside out!

To offer a brief background and introduction to myself: I am a (new) Christian, a husband and father, and a student of history and religious studies from Western Canada. Please join me in my journey following Jesus, the saviour of the world, the son of God, the way, the truth, and the life.

My next blog post will be a brief account of my own story, summarizing my conversion from Mormonism to atheism to Jesus. Thanks for reading! Praise God!

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